Tuesday, August 17, 2010

new hair. both sides shaved

I said i'd do it and i did. A new hair, and new beginnings. A week or so ago Emma Watson did a new hair do as her way of "freaking out" after having that long hair for years "it's the most liberating thing ever." as she puts it. 
I shouldn't have really cared except a week before her i had done the exact same thing as her. When i saw her hair i was a bit apprehensive and then thought "Fuck i just had a dramatic haircut done! GO Emma!" For a good month i'll admit i swooned over my long hair and practically obsessed over it's luxurious length and other things that make hair wonderful. But well not to delve into any more then to say I had a life changing Epiphany!
why in god's name do i want to look like every long haired girl?? I've always been the girl who is nice and quiet with not so much as a bone to pick with anyone. But I looked so normal, with a lack of confidence, but after that epiphany i was calm, comfortable and confident. Why just today when i walked through a mall,  and saw a mirror, i couldn't help but GUSH over how beautiful i felt in this hair.

                  So the moral is Different is good and it takes a life changing(or maybe something tiny)        thing to happen for one to realize this, you can't force it out.
Being true to you is helpful too.
                          I don't think these words would have meant much to me if this didn't happen.

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